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Bringing order out of the chaos and confusion surrounding health, nutrition and medicine

Every day we’re inundated, saturated, and overwhelmed with conflicting and confusing information.  It’s hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t.  This is especially true in the area of health and wellness.

At, we aim to reduce the level of confusion by empowering every individual with knowledge.  Not so you can “play doctor” and try to do everything yourself, but so you can play a central role in working with your personal health and wellness providers.

This means always looking at yourself and the world from three different perspectives:

  • Subjective (self-awareness; what your mind, body, and soul are telling you that only you can sense)
  • Objective (direct observation, lab results, etc.)
  • Interactive (the interplay between the subjective and objective, and how each impacts the other).

As builders and administrators of this site, we are knowledge curators.  We collect, organize, maintain, and present as much accurate, relevant, and actionable knowledge about health and wellness as we possibly can.

But most important, we’re patients, just like you!  As such, we never dispense any medical advice.  We do, however, share stories, along with the results, findings and insights of noted experts, including supporting evidence and citations.

You know how confusing things are in the medical profession.  One day something is good for you, the next day it’s bad for you.  Or worse, it’s both good and bad!

We don’t attempt to render a verdict one way or the other.  Rather, we do our best to gather and present enough facts, data, and expert opinion so that you can make an informed decision.  And we’ll work diligently to keep you up-to-date when things change.

So come in and explore.  Ask questions.  Even add to the ever-growing body of knowledge.  We welcome your participation.

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